Lean into the Present Moments in Life: 5 Simple Habits
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” Buddha The present moment is the one time and place where you can be in total control of what happens next. But most of us still spend a lot of our regular days lost in memories, reliving moments where we thought we were the happiest or focusing on an old conflict or negative situation over and over. We get lost in scenarios about what could happen in the future. Maybe through wishful daydreams. Or maybe by building monsters in our minds as thoughts go round and round and...
My Italian Getaway
I have always been one to travel alone but this trip was different. In a weird way I looking to travel and actually meet people along the way. My first stop was Rome, but I would only stay overnight. When I arrived, it was so late that I hadn’t realized I was staying in the heart of it all (no worries – it wouldn’t be the last time in Rome during this trip). This was the perfect place to end up and taking it easy on the first night. The next day I caught a train heading to Florence. This was going to be about a 2-hour train ride and I was going to sit by the window and catch...
Vacation Photos – Hola Barcelona y Mallorca!
Happy July! Hope you all are enjoying a start to a great and warm month. This past trip I headed to Barcelona and Mallorca to visit friends and eat my weight in almost anything. Here are a few photos, hope you’ll enjoy… First up, I went to Barcelona. I made sure the Airbnb’s that I rented were within walking distance to active districts with great nightlife. (Barcelona has so many rad unique places, which are more affordable than many hotels.) This city offers so many things to love. Walking through Parc de la Ciutadella I saw an amazing graffiti artist sharing is vision with...
Lean into the Present Moments in Life: 5 Simple Habits
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” Buddha The present moment is the one time and place where you can be in total control of what happens next. But most of us still spend a lot of our regular...
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